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Rescue Remedies Cat Rescue

Sunshine and Moonray

DSH Tabby/Tabby white - Mum and Daughter

Sunray & Moonshine's Story: Sunray is a feral cat who has been living out in a schools grounds. She has had at least 5 litters and currently has one kitten Moonshine with her. Many kittens have been found dead over the few years she has been there. We have got involved to help the teacher who has been calling for help, as no one has come forwards. A wonderful Cat trapper will travel across London to help and we have loaned the carrier via our Vets. The teacher feeds at 6am so hopefully will be caught ?2nd Dec, all being well then taken directly into our Vets for health support and spay. Rescue Remedies offered a Rescue place. Sunray and Moonshine kitten are now neutered, chipped, and undergoing vaccinations. Sunray & Moonshine were in Gatwick Cattery whilst awaiting their new family.